
Social network for persons aged 16 and older, by age and sex. Percent.
All16-24 years25-44 years45-66 years67 years or olderMalesFemales
1As of 2017, this is the proportion of those that have a car.
Have someone to ask for a minor loan to cover an unexpected expense90979488828991
Have someone that can help:
- with maintenance or repairs of dwelling89939188848989
- with the computer86918588808488
- with car troubles172918067606976
- with transportation of larger objects91939289889091
Have someone to ask:
- for health and illness advice86948985788388
- for advice in case of severe conflict91969390848893
- for advice on how to find one's way in public bureaucracy82928181817887
Number of respondents6 1797841 8552 3471 1933 1653 014