
Financial holding companies. Total utilized loand by borrower sector. NOK Million
Corrected 13. juni 2017.
Total1 7913 1153 2351 5851 845
General government..........
Central government....000
County municipalities00000
Financial enterprises1 7763 1083 2281 5851 845
State lending institutions00000
Banks7291 02986720339
Mortgage companies......545..
Finance companies00000
Unit trust (UK)/Mutual funds (US)00000
Other financial enterprises802711..1 0201 506
Life insurance companies etc.2251 3492 36100
Non-life insurance companies2020000
Financial auxiliaries00000
Non-financial enterprises1567....
Central government enterprises000..0
Other state enterprises......00
Municipal enterprises..........
Private incorporated companies1567..0
Private non-profit institutions00000
Household etc.00000
Quasi-corporated private enterprises (i.e. partnership companies, joint ownweship etc)00000
Private non-profit institutions serving households00000
Unicorporated private enterprises00000
Households of employees00000
Unspecified sector00000
Rest of the world....000