
Tax accounts. Distributed taxes. NOK million and change in per cent.
Distributed taxes. Accumulated figures so far this yearChange in per cent compared to same period previous year
April 2016April 2017April 2016April 2017
Corrected 23 May 2017.
Distributed taxes, total270 256273 732-7.61.3
Ordinary taxes on income and wealth, central government12 49214 79216.718.4
Ordinary taxes on extraction of petroleum8 8076 807-49.6-22.7
Special income tax on extraction of petroleum13 75711 060-52.7-19.6
Tax equalization contributions to the central government89 77189 546-4.3-0.3
Ordinary taxes to county authorities (incl. Oslo)9 1829 6553.95.2
Ordinary taxes to municipalities43 43146 1975.36.4
Member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme39 23440 7123.83.8
Employer contributions to the National Insurance Scheme53 03654 516-0.92.8
Taxes on dividends to foreign shareholders546448