
Graduations in higher education in Norway. Sex, level and field of education
1Including graduations from programmes 4 years or less but also 2 years or longer.
2Including graduations from programmes longer than 4 years
3Doctoral degrees
Level of degree and field of education
Total45 80017 84327 95746 68118 12528 556
Tertiary education, short and medium131 07411 40819 66631 62811 74719 881
Humanities and arts2 3669171 4492 3789661 412
Education6 6271 7744 8536 7841 8404 944
Social sciences and law2 8169801 8362 8551 0371 818
Business and administration5 0922 2272 8654 9382 1232 815
Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects4 4053 1491 2564 7103 3621 348
Health, welfare and sport8 1751 3586 8178 3021 3886 914
Primary industries16074861489256
Transport and communications, safety and security and other services1 2828594231 378888490
Unspecified field of study15170811355184
Tertiary education, long213 3195 7597 56013 6855 6967 989
Humanities and arts1 4435718721 361529832
Education1 3432801 0631 3503131 037
Social sciences and law2 4689471 5212 6089201 688
Business and administration2 3711 2211 1502 8441 4161 428
Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects3 2082 0101 1982 8071 7331 074
Health, welfare and sport2 2195711 6482 3575691 788
Primary industries12359641336964
Transport and communications, safety and security and other services1441004422514778
Unspecified field of study------
Doctoral studies31 4076767311 368682686
Humanities and arts14470741245272
Social sciences and law1786910917465109
Business and administration382414371720
Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects535330205543350193
Health, welfare and sport456169287428169259
Primary industries------
Transport and communications, safety and security and other services115616124
Unspecified field of study---11-