
Banks. Balance sheet. NOK million
October 2016November 2016December 2016January 2017
Notes and divisionary coin238 364222 768243 795194 714
Loans to and claims on financial institutions844 997819 531797 448749 487
Loans to and claims on customers2 730 1032 754 6362 748 5942 765 087
Certificates and bonds571 654590 052564 120569 807
Shares, equity capital certificate e.g.197 410199 212202 589190 473
Financial derivatives294 516290 338262 727250 141
Intangible assets14 45714 39412 87513 844
Durable operating equipment10 73810 69210 60310 718
Other assets87 96787 67871 05284 017
Total assets4 990 2074 989 3014 913 8044 828 288
Deposits from financial institutions1 102 1701 094 7311 031 3451 033 329
Deposits from customers2 321 7682 301 1802 307 8192 329 011
Certificate and bond debt623 712631 402640 011612 082
Other loans59 70282 35189 22162 926
Financial derivatives269 389273 310262 716251 703
Other liabilities130 311118 89188 583105 876
Subordinated loan capital58 64259 64159 41759 602
Total liabilities4 565 6944 561 5074 479 1114 454 528
Share and owner share capital72 19472 48672 88667 972
Other paid in equity (share premium account etc.)76 71477 14078 15663 174
Earned equity capital241 235241 221241 640237 493
Undistributed profit34 37036 94742 0115 121
Total equity424 513427 794434 693373 760
Total liabilities and equity4 990 2074 989 3014 913 8044 828 288