
NPISHs. Income, expenditure and saving. NOK million1
1Figures for the last two years are preliminary.
Output, basic values65 46269 13974 54079 01181 841
- Intermediate consumption29 01630 57733 88436 21337 441
= VALUE ADDED, GROSS36 44638 56240 65642 79844 400
- Consumption of fixed capital4 1234 3394 6445 0335 297
- Compensation of employees32 31334 21236 00137 75539 091
- Other taxes on production1011111112
= Operating surplus00000
Allocation of primary income
+ Interest income1 4751 4251 427900568
+ Dividends received, etc1 5421 2601 5371 6551 776
+ Other investment income745819947991971
- Interest expenses879857441390356
+ Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured507559538523551
= BALANCE OF PRIMARY INCOME3 3903 1903 9863 6573 487
Secondary distribution of income
+ Current transfers to NPISHs53 94757 45966 30670 26472 748
+ Imputed social contributions1714131415
- Current taxes on income and wealth3638464440
- Unfunded and privately funded social benefits1714131415
- Other current transfers2522523 3523 4763 476
= Disposable income57 04960 35966 89470 40272 720
Use of disposable income
- Consumption55 32858 92964 82468 69471 122
= SAVING1 7211 4302 0701 7081 597
Capital account
- Gross fixed capital formation6 8727 4178 1568 2138 674
+ Consumption of fixed capital4 1234 3394 6445 0335 297
= Net lending-1 028-1 648-1 442-1 472-1 780