
Emissions to air of greenhouse gases, by industry. 1 000 tonnes CO2 equivalents1
199020142015Change in per cent
1990 - 20152014 - 2015
1Including international sea and air traffic.
All industries and households66 12261 61262 559-5.41.5
All industries59 88256 15957 170-4.51.8
Agriculture, forestry and fishing7 0446 0616 026-14.5-0.6
Mining, quarrying, oil and gas extraction, includingservice activities9 05915 22515 65272.82.8
Manufacturing19 95611 92112 284-38.43.0
Energy and water supply, sewage and waste management2 4423 5643 54845.3-0.4
Wholesale and retail trade, motor veh. rep., accommod. and food service activities6697216923.4-4.0
Other service activities914387386-57.8-0.3
Transport18 30816 93217 231-5.91.8
Education, human health and social work activities443240238-46.3-0.8
Public administration and defence510279284-44.31.8
Households6 2405 4535 389-13.6-1.2