
Participants on ordinary labour market schemes (job programmes), by immigrant background, region of birth and sex. Absolute numbers and in per cent of persons aged 15 to 74 years
1st quarter 20151st quarter 2016Change last twelve months
Both sexesMalesFemalesBoth sexesMalesFemales1st quarter 2015 - 1st quarter 2016
Both sexesMalesFemales
1Non-residents included.
2Turkey is included.
Absolute figures
Participants, total13 3297 0676 26217 4999 2158 2844 1702 1482 022
Non-immigrant population17 6264 6093 0179 9166 0333 8832 2901 424866
Immigrants, total5 7032 4583 2457 5833 1824 4011 8807241 156
The Nordic countries140885221212884724032
Western Europe else234116118274132142401624
EU countries in Eastern Europe9553625931 387513874432151281
Eastern Europe else53316237172223548718973116
North-America and Oceania221393218141055
Asia22 1178331 2842 7481 0291 719631196435
Africa1 4978226751 9041 031873407209198
South- and Central-Amerika2056214330496208993465
Per cent
Participants, total0.
Non-immigrant population10.
Immigrants, total0.
The Nordic countries0.
Western Europe else0.
EU countries in Eastern Europe0.
Eastern Europe else1.
North-America and Oceania0.
South- and Central-Amerika1.