
Hunters by age and sex1
Paid hunting taxPassed hunting test
TotalMalesFemalesMale hunters as per cent of male population over 16 yearsTotalOf these buying hunting licence fee
1Excluding persons living in Norway
Total197 851182 04315 808913 8527 051
-20 years8 4287 3081 12054 7651 404
20-29 years28 05824 4163 64274 8432 701
30-39 years34 43931 0283 41192 2481 531
40-49 years45 00441 0143 990111 318915
50-59 years39 62336 9962 62711542397
60-69 years29 17328 3018721012594
70 years or older13 12612 9801465119