
Gross fixed capital formation by type of capital goods and by industry. At current prices. NOK Million1
201420154th quarter 20141st quarter 20152nd quarter 20153rd quarter 20154th quarter 2015
1Figures from 2014 onwards are preliminary.
Gross fixed capital formation (GFCF)733 988728 753187 783173 543183 669181 680189 861
Building and construction322 926337 16581 90779 27883 33786 42088 129
Oil exploraion, drilling, pipelines for oil and gas103 36195 45723 55924 21426 51524 05220 675
Oil platforms etc105 59088 06626 84822 24522 44920 99122 380
Ships and boats6 8519 1092 0842 3502 6841 9592 117
Other transport equipment23 90423 1776 0384 3904 7066 6807 402
Machinery and equipment92 94794 29326 31020 87923 79121 95127 672
Cultivated biological resources-110-113-26-22-23-40-27
Intellectual property products, except oil exploration78 20081 27220 98020 12720 13019 58721 428
Acquisitions less disposals of valuables3203278382798185
Total industry733 988728 753187 783173 543183 669181 680189 861
Agriculture and forestry7 9058 2441 7081 3702 5602 5231 790
Fishing and aquaculture2 5632 996541911929690465
Mining and quarrying1 183646433151173128193
Oil and gas extraction including services212 457188 15751 62347 48749 95646 03944 675
¬ Oil and gas extraction209 965185 94351 01246 77549 20745 63144 330
¬ Service activities incidental to oil and gas2 4922 214612712750408344
Manufacturing33 34131 93510 3136 9528 2277 4489 308
¬ Food products, beverages and tobacco7 6916 4472 3541 2761 6671 5451 960
¬ Textiles, wearing apparel, leather356362748111865100
¬Manufacture of wood and wood products, except furniture830870281141222212296
¬ Manufacture of paper and paper products5534881828912881191
¬ Printing and reproduction of recorded media42827411556757766
¬ Refined petroleum, chemical and pharmaceutical products5 1796 0441 9201 1771 5571 5021 808
¬¬ Manufacture of basic chemicals etc2 7972 9509035375688381 007
¬ Rubber, plastic and mineral products1 6891 635670290468340537
¬ Basic metals2 2733 3688105788497561 185
¬ Machinery and other equipment n.e.c8 5208 0032 3972 0602 0211 7912 132
¬ Building of ships, oil platforms and moduls1 9721 533475341314436441
¬ Furniture and other manufacturing n.e.c711662249172157162170
¬ Repair and installation of machinery and equiment3 1392 248786693651481423
Electricity, gas and steam20 88322 1386 1674 3085 3575 6066 867
Water supply, sewerage, waste10 70611 2313 1282 7573 1952 1693 110
Construction15 81316 3274 0393 9454 2343 9754 172
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles14 39713 7555 1463 1093 4113 2214 014
Transport via pipelines4 5914 4407841 1221 2391 161918
Ocean transport6951 568462339487270471
Transport activities excl. ocean transport20 18419 5634 7054 1454 4825 1095 827
Postal and courier activities500509119120144125121
Accommodation and food service activities1 9591 850490416466492476
Information and communcation22 14723 2785 9825 9015 7165 4686 193
Financial and insurance activities7 9778 5692 1632 0782 0892 0922 311
Real estate activities35 87636 0529 1048 9469 2919 0458 770
Imputed rents of owner-occupied dwellings151 400158 06237 44438 58438 91539 04441 519
Professional, scientific and and technical activities15 95915 9474 4853 7853 9503 6574 555
Administrative and support service activities6 9787 8671 8851 7731 9562 0462 092
Public administration and defence79 89786 19519 34418 81721 01323 70522 660
Education32 74037 0768 8568 3347 64310 09111 008
Health and social work26 30624 5576 9586 2366 2395 7266 356
Arts, entertainment and other service activities7 5317 7921 9041 9551 9981 8511 989
Mainland Norway518 738536 802135 525125 307132 736134 618144 142
¬ General government143 727152 99436 70034 68536 59340 13841 578
¬¬ Central government84 80588 32520 01820 08322 51424 22921 500
¬¬¬ Civilian central government74 52676 67619 04518 04920 21220 57917 836
¬¬¬ Defence10 27911 6509732 0342 3023 6503 664
¬¬ Local government58 92264 66916 68214 60214 08015 90920 079