
Investments. Estimated investments current year, by division and and main industrial groupings. NOK million1
Estimated investmentsChange in NOK million and per cent
201420152015 / 20142015 / 2015
Collected in Q4 the same yearCollected in Q3 the same yearCollected in Q4 the same yearDif.2Per cent2Dif.3Per cent3
1The levels of aggregation refers to the Standard of Industrial Classification (SIC2007). See NOS D383 for further details.
2Change from previous year in estimated investments, collected in Q4 same year.
3Change in estimated investments for the current year, collected in Q3 same year and Q4 same year.
Extraction, pipeline, mining, manuf. and elec262 043238 411237 368-24 675-9-1 0430
Extraction and pipeline transport218 584193 021192 801-25 783-12-2200
Extraction of oil and natural gas213 909188 724188 312-25 597-12-4120
Pipeline transport4 6754 2974 489-186-41924
Manufacturing, mining and quarrying21 54321 25420 970-573-3-284-1
Mining and quarrying1 414883930-484-34475
Manufacturing20 12920 37120 040-890-331-2
Food, beverages and tobacco6 3405 3375 294-1 046-16-43-1
Food products5 7484 8244 749-999-17-75-2
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather183161172-11-6117
Wood and wood products666774717518-57-7
Paper and paper products540513497-43-8-16-3
Printing, reproduction484306300-184-38-6-2
Refined petro., chemicals, pharmac3 2874 2194 3681 081331494
Basic chemicals2 4412 7982 72928812-69-2
Rubber, plastic and mineral prod.1 1991 3881 279807-109-8
Basic metals1 7833 0662 9271 14464-139-5
Non-ferrous metals1 3082 0491 93562748-114-6
Fabricated metal products1 221902784-437-36-118-13
Computer and electrical equipment72496593320929-32-3
Machinery and equipment1 155932909-246-21-23-2
Ships, boats and oil platforms660380401-259-39216
Transport equipment n.e.c38137842039104211
Repair, installation of machinery1 076693679-397-37-14-2
Furniture and manufacturing n.e.c.430357359-71-1721
Electricity, gas and steam21 91624 13723 5971 6818-540-2
Production of electricity7 5047 9827 9734696-90
Transmission and distr. of electricity13 12514 91214 3451 2209-567-4
District heating and gas1 2881 2421 280-8-1383
Main industrial groupings:
Intermediate goods10 92811 34710 850-78-1-497-4
Capital goods4 0493 1493 159-890-22100
Consumer goods5 7006 0386 0593596210
Durable consumer goods314290286-28-9-4-1
Non-durable consumer goods5 3865 7485 7733877250
Energy goods241 366217 877217 299-24 067-10-5780