
Members of Christian communities outside the Church of Norway. Per 1 January1
11 Including only members for whom government subsidy is received.
Total266 834289 018312 925337 316296 521
Adventists5 0664 8844 8414 8064 785
The Free Evangelican Congregation3 3953 1373 4433 2583 230
The Evangelical Lutheran Free Church of Norway19 61419 50719 55219 55719 499
The Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Congregation4 1464 1933 4404 3484 355
The Icelandic Evangelical Lutheran Congregation in Norway5 9465 9836 6346 7406 516
The Christian Church7 1107 3197 2597 7507 997
The Orthodox Church9 89411 20512 95914 76517 476
The Roman Catholic Church83 018102 286121 130140 10995 655
The Evangelical Lutheran Church Community3 2133 2093 2093 1893 158
The Norwegian Baptist Union9 9229 99910 21310 28310 296
Church of Norway Mission Convenant9 0919 3369 58910 13610 406
Jehovahs Witness11 73911 90312 04912 13012 304
The Christian Community2 5852 5672 5442 5402 527
Christian centres3 2523 1573 1723 1453 136
The Methodist Church in Norway11 05510 76110 71510 68410 566
Pentecostal Congregations39 59939 10839 41239 39839 149
The Swedish Margareta Congregation in Oslo17 37619 95020 90121 57322 006
Others20 81320 51421 86322 90523 460