
State lending institutions. Balance sheet. NOK million
September 2015August 2015July 2015June 2015May 2015
Notes and divisionary coin4 0494 1524 2124 1294 251
Loans to and claims on financial institutions743676867813624
Loans to and claims on customers311 798310 210306 860306 754307 550
Certificates and bonds..........
Shares, equity capital certificate e.g.11211011011098
Financial derivatives..........
Intangible assets..........
Durable operating equipment2829292929
Other assets2 9532 8992 7473 0823 025
Total assets319 683318 076314 825314 917315 577
Deposits from financial institutions..........
Deposits from customers..........
Certificate and bond debt..........
Other loans311 128309 466306 323306 172306 860
Financial derivatives..........
Other liabilities5 0245 3835 2605 3075 313
Subordinated loan capital..........
Total liabilities316 152314 849311 583311 479312 173
Share and owner share capital1 5131 5131 5131 5131 513
Other paid in equity (share premium account etc.)..........
Earned equity capital1 8091 8091 8091 8091 809
Undistributed profit209-95-8011783
Total equity3 5313 2273 2413 4383 404
Total liabilities and equity319 683318 076314 825314 917315 577