
Students in tertiary education in Norway and Norwegian students abroad, by sex, age and type of college. Absolute figures and per cent
Absolute figuresPer cent
TotalUniversities and spesialized university institutionsState university collegesOther university colleges1Norwegian students abroadUniversities and spesialized university institutionsState university collegesOther university colleges1Norwegian students abroad
1Other university colleges includes military university colleges, Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Bergen Academy of Art and Design, Norwegian Police University College and private university colleges.
Age and sex
Total272 504139 08094 46022 04816 91651.
0-18 years30217927276959.38.98.922.8
19 years13 1406 6584 6087601 11450.735.15.88.5
20 years25 11112 3877 9012 9081 91549.331.511.67.6
21 years29 00514 3079 6892 6102 39949.333.49.08.3
22 years28 71214 5409 0942 5482 53050.631.78.98.8
23 years26 71714 2727 8552 1742 41653.429.48.19.0
24 years22 61612 7656 1051 6512 09556.427.07.39.3
25 years17 69410 0414 8061 2541 59356.727.27.19.0
26 years13 4877 5573 96098498656.
27 years10 0155 5223 16572860055.
28 years8 0794 3792 68864336954.
29 years6 8173 6052 47451122752.936.37.53.3
30-34 years22 87511 4389 3121 72839750.
35-39 years15 5797 0637 2241 17711545.346.47.60.7
40-44 years13 2585 6706 5489934742.849.47.50.4
45-49 years9 8094 3664 7156992944.548.17.10.3
50 years or older9 2884 3314 2896531546.646.27.00.2
Males109 76861 19433 4058 8866 28355.730.48.15.7
0-18 years147961582865.310.25.419.0
19 years4 4462 5281 35622633656.930.55.17.6
20 years9 5414 9872 5121 47856452.326.315.55.9
21 years11 5576 2593 4761 04278054.
22 years12 1126 6363 5241 06488854.829.18.87.3
23 years11 7746 6763 29189491356.728.07.67.8
24 years10 2196 0012 64573783658.725.97.28.2
25 years8 1374 8462 07257364659.625.57.07.9
26 years6 1763 5681 73645541757.828.17.46.8
27 years4 5392 6341 28731730158.
28 years3 5902 0471 08229616557.
29 years2 9371 64294723611255.932.28.03.8
30-34 years9 3065 2123 25964219356.
35-39 years5 4312 8432 1843406452.340.26.31.2
40-44 years4 1042 1051 7192582251.341.96.30.5
45-49 years2 8641 4921 188175952.
50 years or older2 8881 6221 112145956.
Females162 73677 88661 05513 16210 63347.937.58.16.5
0-18 years1558312194153.57.712.326.5
19 years8 6944 1303 25253477847.537.46.18.9
20 years15 5707 4005 3891 4301 35147.534.69.28.7
21 years17 4488 0486 2131 5681 61946.
22 years16 6007 9045 5701 4841 64247.633.68.99.9
23 years14 9437 5964 5641 2801 50350.830.58.610.1
24 years12 3976 7643 4609141 25954.627.97.410.2
25 years9 5575 1952 73468194754.428.67.19.9
26 years7 3113 9892 22452956954.630.47.27.8
27 years5 4762 8881 87841129952.734.37.55.5
28 years4 4892 3321 60634720451.935.87.74.5
29 years3 8801 9631 52727511550.639.47.13.0
30-34 years13 5696 2266 0531 08620445.944.68.01.5
35-39 years10 1484 2205 0408375141.649.78.20.5
40-44 years9 1543 5654 8297352538.952.88.00.3
45-49 years6 9452 8743 5275242041.450.87.50.3
50 years or older6 4002 7093 177508642.349.67.90.1