
Percentage share of total estimated net worth, average and percentile cut-offs for households, by deciles1
Share of total net wealth (per cent)Average estimated net wealth (NOK)Percentile cut-offs (NOK)2
1Students not included
2Percentile cut-offs show the lowest value in the group
Total100.02 066 700:
Decile 1-5.0-1 037 200:
Decile 2-0.4-72 800-218 200
Decile 30.355 2001 000
Decile 41.9388 900165 700
Decile 54.3894 300634 300
Decile 66.91 435 5001 157 700
Decile 79.92 042 1001 724 500
Decile 813.52 790 5002 382 100
Decile 919.13 945 2003 257 000
Decile 1049.510 225 0004 852 200
Top 5 per cent35.814 789 0006 754 500
Top 1 per cent18.337 794 50014 162 700
Top 0,1 per cent8.3171 723 20055 797 400