
Main figures, local KAUs in public sector*. Svalbard. 2012/2013*12
 Establishmentsman-labour yearTurnover (NOK 1 000)Public subsidies (NOK 1 000)Wage costs (NOK 1 000)Investments (NOK 1 000)
1The public sector can be divided into two sub sectors: general government and public corporations. General government consists of central and local authorities and other non-commercial activities that deal with a broad range of common tasks. Municipalities, public hospitals and schools are all examples of institutions that are included in general government. Public corporations are involved in commercial activities, and are owned or controlled by general government. Public corporations include municipal establishments such as waterworks and waste disposal sites, and large listed companies in which the central or local government own more than half of the shares].
2Revised figures for 2012 and preliminary figures for 2013.
Corrected 1 December 2014.
Svalbard 2012/2013, total4951883.7832.01 688 1692 154 365461 525525 661684 220697 445453 221555 049
B Mining and quarrying34410.3345.2895 2491 284 98000391 931376 818294 812409 566
C+D+E Manufacturing; Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply; Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activit2223.023.0:120 107:39 476:18 593:29 141
F Construction000.00.000000000
G Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles331.91.9::::::::
H Transportation and storage4439.337.158 92759 4040029 80828 72015 55317 495
I Accommodation and food service activities1131.038.5::::::::
J+K Information and communication. Financial and insurance activities2231.834.0::::::::
L Real estate activities330.00.0::::::::
M Professional, scientific and technical activities7723.820.614 577:69 151:25 089:548:
N Administrative and support service activities2214.213.0::::::::
O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security9978.879.19 9448 714161 956163 85454 25261 1175 1456 880
P Education22149.4152.9        
Q Human health and social work activities6668.869.310 90810 87828 06229 62842 05047 0731 4680
R Arts, entertainment and recreation458.014.0::::::::
S Other service activities113.33.3::::::::