
Banks. Stock of shares, participations and primary capital certificates by sector. NOK million
August 2014July 2014June 2014May 2014April 2014March 2014February 2014January 2014December 2013November 2013October 2013September 2013August 2013
Total stock147 971148 715153 840152 811150 592150 307148 485147 068142 952140 273137 101136 474137 536
Non-financial corporations15 06415 27314 94115 59416 53816 55417 02916 50415 70314 26412 91912 45712 857
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government..........................
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government727171702934761 079889596231171157123
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government..........................
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government29292830292424332433343333
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises14 89415 10414 76415 39616 12015 95615 83315 48914 97513 89412 60412 15812 593
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises6969789896989392109106110109108
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises..........................
Financial corporations87 24786 41585 24184 54780 37780 30679 11877 12674 80672 74372 25671 91572 334
Norges Bank..........................
Banks1 9261 9021 9271 9452 0292 0301 8753 2371 8641 8621 8832 6911 839
Mortgage companies59 59559 34859 50658 88455 22455 51055 05053 26554 29151 64851 34951 22550 983
Finance companies4 9974 9974 9865 1204 6374 1074 0944 0093 9193 9123 9122 8213 692
State lending institutions etc...........................
Financial holding companies3 1583 1573 1573 1933 6083 4993 6103 3803 1782 9382 9183 4922 923
Mutual funds12 69812 22110 93110 86410 4449 90110 1679 0607 2628 5018 4347 8139 034
Investment trusts and private equity funds2 3952 3142 2482 1532 0952 8462 0051 9561 9911 8431 8231 7701 774
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds2 3962 3972 3992 3022 1692 2802 1842 1122 1911 9721 9052 0592 035
Life insurance companies and pension funds15151515151515141414141414
Non-life insurance companies66637371155117119929452173139
General government..........................
Central government..........................
Local government..........................
Non-profit institutions serving households..........................
Non-profit institutions serving households..........................
Unincorporated enterprises within households..........................
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises inclusive housing cooperatives etc...........................
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc...........................
Unspecified sector00000......1......1
Rest of the world45 40146 65050 36149 38450 57950 28250 23651 16049 89451 27850 07550 41850 806
General government, abroad..........................
Banks and financial institutions, abroad42 46443 60443 59642 41442 64142 71642 59844 13843 09744 08542 84243 15843 451
Non-financial corporations and households, abroad2 9373 0466 7656 9707 9397 5667 6387 0226 7977 1937 2337 2607 354
Changes in exchange rates, prices and value2593773 2973 2863 0983 1652 1022 2792 5471 9891 8511 6831 539