
The Norwegian Tax Administration - Key Figures
2011201220132012 - 2013
Relative change
Own production (NOK million)5 0965 1955 3162.3
Contracted man-year adjusted for long term-leaves5 6215 5975 527-1.3
Activities and services
Persons with tax settlement4 357 3014 479 6864 582 1822.3
Companies with tax settlement239 995241 053256 8116.5
Processed inheritance and gift cases45 82646 33545 901-0.9
Processed people registrations in total1 650 5261 744 5552 093 51420.0
Calls to the Tax Hotline2 666 1152 193 5482 150 962-1.9
Calls to the Tax Hotline (per cent)74.673.384.014.6
Share of non-response approval of the tax return for persons65.367.169.02.8
Share of complaints on the tax assessment processed within 3 months93.286.991.14.8
Share of inheritance and gift cases processed within 6 months91.367.680.719.4
Filed police reports83485697513.9