
Municipal health services, key figures
201320132012 - 20132009 - 2013
Absolute figuresPer 10 000 inhabitantsPercentage change1Percentage change1
1Percentage change is based on absolute figures
Man-years for physicians in the municipal health service5 196.810.23.512.1
Man-years for physiotherapists4 535.
Absolute figuresPer inhabitantPercentage change1Percentage change1
Gross operating expenditure municipal health in total (1 000 NOK)13 851 3632 711.16.631.3
Gross operating expenditure. Preventive health (enviormental health care) (1 000 NOK)1 153 939225.910.743.1
Gross operating expenditure. Diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation, function 241, (1 000 NOK)9 903 4861 938.46.829.8
Absolute figuresPer 10 000 inhabitants 0-20 yearsPercentage change1Percentage change1
Gross operating expenditure. Preventive health (enviormental health care) (1 000 NOK)2 793 9382 112.34.432.1
Man-years health centers and school health4 217.231.9-1.4..