
Mortgage companies, types of loans. NOK million1
June 2013May 2013April 2013March 2013February 2013January 2013December 2012November 2012October 2012September 2012August 2012July 2012June 2012
1As from 1 January 2012, the Norwegian institutional sector classification has been revised in line with the international classification. This change implies a break in the statistics from March 2012. For further information, see Institutional sector classification 2012
Total loans21 455 1801 454 7161 447 1381 442 8741 440 1211 425 3311 426 7021 416 4141 414 2011 413 4661 396 6451 384 6151 380 575
Credit lines, secured on dwellings281 049282 804282 427282 938282 934280 362281 353279 247278 947279 201275 352273 324271 331
Non-financial corporations0000000001122
Financial corporations..........................
General government..........................
Non-profit institutions serving households0000000000000
Households280 327282 054281 658282 186282 181279 588280 572278 462278 146278 363274 523272 475270 456
Of which employees etc.277 186278 940276 593277 106277 101274 448275 390273 259272 866273 066269 263267 233265 147
Rest of the world722750768752753774781785801838829847873
Repayment loans secured on dwellings786 876781 292773 703771 285766 604754 939751 444739 193733 318730 382714 727704 146698 933
Non-financial corporations14 32213 34713 16212 77012 79512 83012 66612 37612 74712 83212 34912 55212 676
Financial corporations1 0631 0681 1481 1491 1481 148878814556556555557556
General government..........................
Non-profit institutions serving households807130672312312320737070717273
Households769 155764 537756 804755 036750 122738 379735 317723 659717 691714 711699 582688 820683 403
Of which employees etc.731 522727 367715 155713 403708 932698 146695 365684 158678 805676 002661 339650 936645 535
Rest of the world2 2562 2692 2832 2592 2272 2702 2642 2712 2542 2132 1702 1452 227
Other repayment lonas (incl. Leasing)385 300388 377388 163388 124389 434389 633391 407395 443399 571401 566404 437405 084409 185
Non-financial corporations116 394116 923118 014118 860119 362118 450120 310121 687124 918126 133126 766125 985130 646
Financial corporations22 96724 21022 86622 85823 93725 71925 27825 38627 45927 85727 95828 22328 082
General government209 526208 545208 286207 319207 635206 938205 533206 975205 815205 933207 461207 354207 285
Non-profit institutions serving households688819821869874878879817817726729732717
Households8 0168 0267 8577 7137 5307 3747 3567 0516 9556 7036 3506 0706 100
Of which employees etc.1 1091 0711 0521 0471 017972983992986913884801888
Rest of the world27 70829 85430 31930 50430 09630 27432 05033 52733 60834 21435 17336 72036 356
Changes in exchange rate, prices and value1 9552 2422 8455261 1483972 4982 5302 3652 3162 1292 0611 125