
Fire and accident protection, key figures
20122011 - 20122008 - 2012
Absolute figuresPercentage changePercentage change
Gross operating expenditure
Totalt expenditures, function 338 og 3394 387 052418
338 Prevention of fires and other accidents865 118930
339 Preparedness for fires and other accidents3 521 934215
Net operating expenditure
Totalt expenditures, function 338 og 3393 265 175418
338 Prevention of fires and other accidents259 3441827
339 Preparedness for fires and other accidents3 005 831317
Per 1000 inhabitantsPercentage changePercentage change
Man-years, fire and accident protection per 1000 inhabitants0.700
Man-years, preventive measures against fires and other accidents per 1000 inhabitants0.2444
Man-years, preparedness for fires and other accidents per 1000 inhabitants0.5069
 Absolute figures
Total number of fires in buildings4 281-1556
The number of chimneys being swept last year752 281-23
The number of A-objects inspected last year18 643-813