
Banks. Stock of bonds and sertificates, by sector. NOK million
February 2013January 2013December 2012November 2012October 2012September 2012August 2012July 2012June 2012May 2012April 2012March 2012February 2012
Total stock638 621623 915644 245623 885621 516627 332610 935613 931629 746624 220622 092616 747603 361
Non-financial corporations20 03818 96918 73921 75421 16120 12918 84218 95618 56117 60317 40219 38222 153
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government0228148148..................
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government5 9494 9965 0916 9067 2306 0145 2235 0104 7883 9443 7453 7774 461
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government..26524751946632144046150646844150
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government4 0094 9234 0074 3564 8255 2875 2346 0095 5035 6525 7117 4007 520
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises10 0798 5569 2429 8258 6288 5067 9437 4767 7637 5387 9418 20010 020
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises1141111111111
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises........10................
Financial corporations288 985286 763285 390285 832280 145282 405280 491284 159288 496287 077287 614284 644297 620
Norges Bank..........................
Banks35 33734 63834 81733 27232 88634 49833 44037 95741 46840 95041 06840 05841 223
Mortgage companies248 513246 658244 556246 777242 247241 914241 747241 257241 315241 129241 392239 132251 584
Finance companies1 6281 9152 1551 8771 1061 6639776691 062669821908697
State lending institutions etc...........10....5........
Financial holding companies2 2732 2922 2202 4672 4962 4112 4422 4342 2382 4282 0652 201..
Mutual funds..........................
Investment trusts and private equity funds3063507485443516622942145392684404043 907
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds7387367247258701 0551 4081 4441 6761 4651 6571 75920
Life insurance companies and pension funds191174170170190192184183192169172181190
Non-life insurance companies..........................
General government119 990115 141119 039107 109114 380120 436112 711107 978116 340111 555111 437108 42793 378
Central government and social security funds99 49897 289100 37486 93594 61898 18293 33490 906100 21493 47592 03288 87173 652
Local government20 49217 85218 66520 17419 76222 25419 37717 07216 12618 08119 40519 55619 726
Non-profit institutions serving households..........................
Non-profit institutions serving households..........................
Unincorporated enterprises within households..........................
Housing cooperatives etc...........................
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc...........................
Unspecified sector..........................
Rest of the world206 475200 641217 652206 132202 960201 779196 834201 499205 853207 900204 632204 129190 755
General government, abroad44 32643 03843 32643 32843 25842 31743 02843 33243 85043 97541 07739 97034 507
Banks and financial institutions, abroad149 861146 182162 890150 841148 316148 248142 669146 038149 480151 355151 094151 458144 086
Non-financial corporations and households, abroad12 28811 42111 43611 96411 38611 21411 13812 12812 52212 56912 46112 70212 162
Changes in exchange rates, prices and value3 1322 4013 4253 0572 8712 5822 0571 340497861 006166-545