
Building stock by type of building
200920132009 - 2013
In all3 843 9124 015 718171 806
Residential buildings1 447 6751 488 97941 304
Non-residential buildings2 396 2372 526 739130 502
Residential buildings
Detached house1 125 1881 143 50918 321
House with 2 dwellings145 823154 0928 269
Row house, linked house and house with 3 dwellings or more139 912151 28911 377
Multi-dwelling building32 68935 4372 748
Residence for communities4 0634 652589
Non-residential buildings
Holiday house1 651 4681 777 862126 394
Of which:
Chalet, summerhouses etc.394 102413 11419 012
Detached houses and farmhouses used as holiday houses29 59332 6003 007
Industrial building97 148103 9196 771
Agricultural and fishery building513 915506 765-7 150
Office and business building38 06738 781714
Transport and communications building9 80610 629823
Hotel and restaurant building30 47331 388915
Building used for education, research, public entertainment and religious activities45 19646 9701 774
Hospital and institutional care building5 4825 630148
Prison, building for emergency preparedness etc.4 6824 795113