
Families and households
Private households2 348 7972 376 971
Living alone894 126908 401
Couples without children558 429567 447
Married couples with children 0-17 years323 573321 812
Cohabiting couples with children 0-17 years166 055168 662
Mother/father with children 0-17 years112 431112 597
One_family households with adult children173 396176 998
Two or more-family households without children 0-17 years86 54987 574
Two or more-family households with children 0-17 years34 23833 480
Persons in private households5 150 9045 197 367
Number of persons per private househol2.192.19
Population by type of households5 199 5355 244 611
Private households5 150 9045 197 367
One family households4 755 8284 803 514
Two or more-family households395 076393 853
Other housesholds48 63147 244