
Interlinkages of creditors and debtors. Debt securities. NOK million.
2nd quarter 2016Debtor sector
Non-financial corporations1Financial corporationsGeneral governmentRest of the world
1Including reconciliation sector.
Creditor sector
Non-financial corporations132 00945 15310 74469 951
Financial corporations166 917747 093264 4921 171 201
General government17 17034 916105 5772 783 292
Household & NIPSH4 6747 6002357 050
Rest of the world468 9871 536 737274 5640
Non-financial corporations1-1 633-572-2484 427
Financial corporations6 497-14 41312 29028 369
General government832 677-18228 873
Household & NIPSH-1053713890
Rest of the world7 522-44 584-1 3130