
The consumer price index adjusted for tax changes and excluding energy products, by delivery sector. Monthly and 12 months changes
Monthly change (per cent)12-month rate (per cent)
February 2014 - March 2014February 2015 - March 2015February 2014 - February 2015March 2014 - March 2015
All-item index0.
Agricultural products0.9-1.52.2-0.2
Less worked0.6-
More worked1.1-1.30.2-2.3
Fish products-0.4-
Other consumer goods produced in Norway0.7-
Little influenced by world market prices0.4-
Influenced by the world market owing to large content of imported materials and rawmaterial prices fixed by the world market1.5-
Influenced by the world market owing to competition from foreign countries0.2-
Imported consumer goods0.
Without competition from Norwegian goods0.
With competition from goods produced in Norway1.
Other services0.
With wages as dominating price factor0.
Also with other important price components0.