
Tax statistics for residents 17 years and older. Income and property. Average for all.12
Number of persons that have amount on different codesNOK million for all persons (NOK million)Number of persons that have amount on different codesNOK million for all persons (NOK million)Average for all persons that have amount on different codes (NOK)
Taxable gross wealth3 929 1043 504 1403 984 6283 788 256950 700
Taxable financial capital3 913 1961 845 4443 968 9941 995 854502 900
Bank deposits3 902 589881 3403 959 120938 199237 000
Share of unit trusts962 97794 890950 469121 204127 500
Shares and securities556 867665 497553 724728 0111 314 800
Taxable real capital2 722 8721 658 6592 749 0241 792 367652 000
Assessed tax value of primary residence2 032 8211 063 2872 049 2051 116 270544 700
Assesses tax value of secundary residence299 073210 011307 507280 267911 400
Debt2 876 7262 526 6422 944 1222 703 901918 400
Taxable net wealth3 953 119977 4984 010 3801 084 356270 400
Number of persons 17 years and older3 993 6974 050 272