
Base money (M0)
Base money (M0), actual stock figures (NOK mill)Transactions, 12-month growth (per cent)
M0Notes and coin in circulationBanks' current account with Norges BankBanks' F-deposits with Norges BankMoney holding sectors depostis with Norges BankM0Notes and coin in circulation
August 2013121 99649 79730 10942 0009051.3-2.8
September 201391 92149 48834 3388 00095-6.8-2.6
October 2013111 89649 55237 24925 000959.7-1.5
November 201393 27449 88735 2908 000977.3-2.2
December 2013128 67154 06037 21237 3009944.50.6
January 2014133 91749 79936 02648 0009267.01.2
February 2014114 39849 11735 19230 0008941.21.4
March 201496 03248 50836 87010 560946.4-2.0
April 201488 43649 19839 15408414.31.0
May 201489 95649 08740 7720978.30.0
June 2014120 15149 62539 87430 5559739.1-0.2
July 2014120 42549 69239 75730 8809615.1-0.3
August 2014140 39449 03937 50453 7559615.1-1.5