
Skriv inn engelsk tittel
Total124 242135 825125 421146 290172 465
Total extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas122 479135 298124 868145 820172 128
Exploration and concept studies24 41127 88925 49327 39926 990
Field development35 18436 58130 35237 47551 984
Commodities21 43919 08912 47521 16124 367
Services8 5519 1907 1878 07715 941
Production drilling5 1938 30210 6908 23711 676
Fields on stream57 61763 56962 23575 51389 024
Commodities5 0225 7934 7975 2948 602
Services21 62525 52024 27330 92836 552
Production drilling30 97032 25633 16539 29143 870
Onshore activities5 2677 2596 7885 4344 130
Transport via pipelines1 763528552469337