Pupils with direct transition

Percent of pupils in upper secondary education the current school year that went directly from lower secondary school to upper secondary school, and percent of pupils who finished upper secondary education with university and college admissions verification and was in higher education the same fall. Percent of pupils with direct transition = (Pupils in upper secondary education the same year as they finishes lower secondary education) or (Pupils in higher education the same year as they finished upper secondary education)/(Pupils who finished lower secondary education in spring) or (Pupils who finished upper secondary education with university and college admissions verification)*100 Numerator: Pupils in upper secondary education the same year as they finish lower secondary education and pupils in higher education the same year as they finished upper secondary education, by ended lower secondary school and upper secondary school. Source: VIGO. Denominator: Pupils who finished lower secondary education in spring and pupils who finished upper secondary education with university and college admissions verification. Source: VIGO. Data from Statistics Norway’s education statistics.