Pupils who have discontinued the education during the school year

Percent of pupils that discontinued the education during the school year, by all who have been pupils in upper secondary education during the school year. This includes both Vg1, Vg2 and Vg3. Percent of pupils that discontinued the education during the school year - all school levels = (Pupils that discontinued the education during the school year, by county of residence)/(Number of pupils, all school levels, last school year)*100 Numerator: Number of pupils that discontinued the education during the school year, all school levels, by county of residence. Measured in number of persons. Source: VIGO Denominator: Number of persons as pupils in the school year, Vg1, Vg2 and Vg3. Source: VIGO The indicator measures the number of persons that did not have other results than discontinued compared to all persons as students last school year. Meaning that a person who follows two courses and discontinue one of them will not be considered a person that have discontinued the education. The indicator for result quality. Relevant compared to the county’s task of offering upper secondary education to the targeted group. The indicator can tell something about the school’s quality, but also about the county/school owners ability of placing the pupil on a wanted course - even if this goal does not lie within the indicator. In that context the indicator is a function of the pupil’s earlier results, eventually the quality of the advisor service. Whether a pupil discontinues his or her education can be affected by circumstances the county cannot control. The indicator observes that the pupil has discontinued the education in the school year, but does not say why. However, factors such as wishes/offers, counselling and initiatives can affect the pupil’s choice, and this the county has control over. The indicator quality is related to the county’s routines for registration of "quitted" in VIGO, this applies to both administrative procedures and government- and rights assessments.