Statistics Norway

Immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents

1 Population 1 January 2008 and 2009 and changes in 2008, by immigrant category and country background
Country background Population 1.1.2008 Livebirths Deaths Excess of births Immigrations Emigrations Net migrations Increase in population1 Population 1.1.2009
Befolkningen, i alt 4 737 171 60 497 41 712 18 785 66 961 23 615 43 346 62 131 4 799 252
Without immigrant background 4 020 204 46 278 39 803 6 475 4 658 5 621 -963 5 512 4 025 208
With immigration background, total  716 967 14 219 1 909 12 310 62 303 17 994 44 309 56 619  774 044
Immigrants  380 644 29 1 387 -1 378 59 219 15 532 43 687 42 309  422 595
Norwegian-born to immigrant parents 78 970 6 801 46 6 755  484  880 -396 6 359 85 604
Foreign born with one parent born in Norway 28 968 - 67 -67 1 324  381  943  876 29 882
Born in Norway with one foreign born parent  192 637 7 409  364 7 045  732 1 056 -324 6 721  199 687
Born abroad with both parents born in Norway3 35 748 - 45 -45  544  145  399  354 36 276
Immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents4  459 614 6 810 1 433 5 377 59 703 16 412 43 291 48 668  508 199
Rest of the population 4 277 557 53 687 40 279 13 408 7 258 7 203 55 13 463 4 291 053
Immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents by country background5                  
Total  459 614 6 810 1 433 5 377 59 703 16 412 43 291 48 668  508 199
Nordic Countries 56 483  322  443 -121 7 113 4 114 2 999 2 878 59 308
Western Europe without the Nordic countries 46 555  361  279 82 8 278 2 496 5 782 5 864 52 356
Eastern Europe  100 060 1 711  225 1 486 24 110 4 333 19 777 21 263  121 151
Asia with Turkey  174 040 2 802  241 2 561 12 658 3 084 9 574 12 135  186 355
Afrika 56 376 1 479 77 1 402 4 563 1 187 3 376 4 778 61 191
South- and Central America 16 118  101 30 71 1 555  438 1 117 1 188 17 292
Northern America 8 533 23  133 -110 1 104  577  527  417 8 943
Oseania 1 449 11 5 6  322  183  139  145 1 603
Selected groups                  
Poland 32 069  592 45  547 14 448 2 546 11 902 12 449 44 482
Pakistan 29 134  441 49  392  882  286  596  988 30 161
Sweden 26 244  167  170 -3 4 890 2 377 2 513 2 510 28 730
Iraq 22 881  564 19  545 1 389  267 1 122 1 667 24 505
Somalia 21 795  783 17  766 1 400  360 1 040 1 806 23 633
Vietnam 19 226  270 30  240  384  140  244  484 19 726
Denmark 19 220 72  220 -148 1 155  929  226 78 19 284
Germany 17 472  202 82  120 4 180  856 3 324 3 444 20 916
Bosnia-Herzegovina 15 649  194 49  145  309 87  222  367 15 683
Iran 15 134  148 30  118  578  178  400  518 15 666
Turkey 15 003  235 14  221  425  199  226  447 15 436
Sri Lanka 13 063  218 10  208  372  202  170  378 13 436
Russia 12 823  223 19  204 1 262  213 1 049 1 253 13 914
United Kingdom 11 784 43  114 -71 1 138  544  594  523 12 284
1  The difference in population size is different from borth excess .
2  These persons have re-registrered. They should only have been birth-registrered.
3  Foreign adopted persons are included here.
4  Sum of the categories 'First generation immigrants' and *Persons born in Norway with two foreign born parents'.
5  Due to changes in the variable country background, there can occur deviation for the population growth.

Explanation of symbols