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Weekly Bulletin issue no. 4, 1999 <sti>Stikktittel

Wage statistics. Salaried employees in manufacturing and construction, 1 October 1998. Preliminary figures:

Seven per cent pay increase for salaried employees

The total average monthly earnings of salaried employees in manufacturing increased from NOK 25,700 at October 1997 to NOK 27,700 at October 1998, a 7.8 per cent increase. Average monthly earnings of salaried employees in construction were NOK 27,200, an increase of 7.3 per cent from the same time the year before.
Earnings of salaried employees of firms affiliated to the Confederation of Norwegian Business and Industry grew 6.9 per cent in manufacturing and 6.7 per cent in construction.

This is the first time Statistics Norway has published preliminary figures for salaried employees in manufacturing and construction. A future goal is to have preliminary figures for all groups of employees in manufacturing and construction at this time, i.e. the end of January. Statistics Norway plans to release the final figures for all employees by occupational group in manufacturing during week 12, while the final figures for employees by occupational group in construction will be released week 11.

New Statistics
Wage statistics. Salaried employees in manufacturing and construction, 1 October 1998. Preliminary figures.
The statistics are published in the Weekly Bulletin of Statistics. For more information contact: Thomas.Hagen@ssb.no, tel. +47 62 88 51 72, or Harald.Lunde@ssb.no, tel. +47 62 88 55 52.

Weekly Bulletin issue no. 4, 1999