Professionals more likely to participate in courses, seminars and conferences
lvm, Lifelong learning, adult education, training, Learning Conditions Monitor (LCM)Adult education, Education
Adult participation in education and training. Persons employed in professional occupations participate most frequently in non-formal education.

Lifelong learning2015, 1st quarter



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Professionals more likely to participate in courses, seminars and conferences

Persons employed in professional occupations participate most frequently in non-formal education. During the last 12 months, 64 per cent of professionals attended non-formal education.

Participation in formal and non-formal education amoung adults. Percent
Participants in formal education (per cent)Participants in non-formal education (per cent)Participants in formal education (per cent)Participants in non-formal education (per cent)
Employed persons16501547
Not employed39173814
Figure 1. Participation in non-formal education by occupation. 2014 and 2015

Sixty-six per cent of women in professional occupations and 60 per cent of men in professional occupations attended non-formal education in the past year.

Other occupations with high levels of participation in non-formal education include managers and technicians and associate professionals with 61 and 56 per cent respectively in the last 12 months. The participation rate is lowest among service and sales workers, where 37 per cent attended non-formal education in the past year.

Persons who were employed in the industries public administration, defence and social security and financial and insurance activities had the highest rate of participation in non-formal education. Figures for 2015 show that 68 per cent of employees in the former group attended non-formal education during the last 12 months, compared with one third of persons who worked with accommodation and food service activities.

People with higher education participate more in non-formal education

Educational background is significant in the rate of participation in non-formal education. For those with a higher education, 62 per cent of employees had participated in non-formal education during the last 12 months. The corresponding figures for persons with primary and lower secondary education were 45 per cent and 34 per cent respectively.

Participation in non-formal education increased among men not in employment

There was a general increase in participation in non-formal education among persons not in employment. The participation rate increased from 14 to 17 per cent and was highest among men in the age group 25-24 years not in employment. Participation in this group increased from 18 per cent to 28 per cent between 2014 and 2015.

80 per cent of 15-24 year olds not in employment participated in formal education

Over 80 per cent of 15-24 years olds not in employment participated in Formal education according to the 2015 figures. Almost half of 25-34 year olds participated in formal education, while none within the age group 62-66 participated in formal education.