Updated figures
Transport and tourism
kbuss, Cost index for passenger transport by bus, administrative costs, repair and maintenance costs, labour costs, capital costs, diesel fuel costs, gas fuel costsLand transport , Transport and tourism

Cost index for passenger transport by busQ4 2016



Next release:

Updated figures

Cost index for passenger transport by bus describes the price trends for bus operating costs. The statistics are updated quarterly.

Cost index for passenger transport by bus. Q1 2010=100
Index levelPercentage change
4th quarter 20163rd quarter 2016 - 4th quarter 20164th quarter 2015 - 4th quarter 2016
Total index
Cost index for passenger transport by bus121.66.96.9
Sub index
Labour costs126.90.31.9
Fuel costs107.41.20.7
Capital costs93.667.447.6
Repair and maintenance costs124.30.62.6
Administrative costs116.91.23.8

Capital costs influenced by interest rate basisOpen and readClose

The cost index for passenger transport by bus uses the following scheme to calculate interest related costs and depreciation costs:

For Q4 2016 this resulted in a large increase in capital costs. A calculation based on the 3 month NIBOR rate would have resulted in a lower growth in capital costs for this quarter. In recent quarters, the 10-year bond yields have fluctuated more than 3 month NIBOR. When previous figures are small, changes are going to be large when measuring relative change. 
