Offentlig forvaltning Tabell 23.13. Statsforvaltningen. Løpende utgifter etter formål. Mill. kr Central government. Current expenditure by functions. Million kroner 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 01-14. Løpende utgifter i alt Current expendi- ture, total . . . . 106564 122304 138031 153136 166670 182424 203338 227794 249393 270000 295380 314649 332955 01. Alminnelig offentlig tjenesteyting General public services . . 4513 5085 6189 6970 7481 8351 9577 10396 11999 12492 13980 14378 15281 02. Forsvar Defence affairs and services 8337 10737 11781 13204 13693 15223 16439 19042 19123 21415 23784 24002 24160 03. Politi, rettsvesen mv. Public order and safety affairs . . 1747 2117 2365 2587 2815 3083 3481 4227 4470 4836 5223 5718 6242 04. Undervisning Edu- cation affairs and services . . . 9012 10160 11574 13042 14393 15524 17037 18166 20396 23961 26770 29272 31364 05. Helsestell Health affairs and services 11367 12639 14661 16185 18138 19257 20833 24504 26183 28787 30709 31820 34378 06. Sosial trygd og velferd Social security and wel- fare affairs and services . . . . . 35251 41376 47637 54069 59345 64400 71762 80515 92360 103811 113524 125216 133630 07. Boliger og nærmiljø Housing and community amenity affairs and services . . . . . 2208 2179 1992 1770 1498 1771 2161 2490 2869 3541 3778 4262 4935 08. Kultur, fritid og religion Recreational, cultural and religious affairs and services 1414 1600 1929 2047 2280 2399 2571 2816 3119 3298 3457 4443 5434 09. Energi Fuel and energy affairs and services . . . . . 1032 631 832 749 907 1616 2335 5922 8519 1933 2876 2967 1784 10. Næringsøkonomiske formål i primær- næringene Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting affairs and services . . . . . 7888 9558 10730 11189 11644 12392 12417 13458 14182 15379 16334 16307 16637 11. Næringsøkonomiske formål i sekundær- næringene Mining, manufacturing and construction affairs and services . . . 1238 2036 2268 2305 2460 2418 3367 2690 3056 2550 3652 3186 3473 12. Næringsøkonomiske formål i samferdsel Transportation and communication affairs and services . . . 5532 6172 6946 7645 8145 8623 9769 10712 11404 12311 12820 13554 14895 13. Andre nærings- økonomiske formål Other economic services . . . . . 5977 5602 5719 6129 6845 7498 7287 7076 7382 8830 9959 12390 11939 14. Andre formål Other functions . . 11048 12412 13408 15245 17026 19869 24302 25780 24331 26856 28514 27134 28803 K i l d e: NOS De offentlige sektorers finanser. Source: NOS Public Sector Finances.