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Weekly Bulletin issue no. 35, 1998 <sti>Stikktittel

Sterilizations, 1997:

More men getting sterilized

In 1997, 4,363 women and 3,337 men underwent sterilization in Norway. This is the lowest figure for women and highest for men since sterilization statistics were started in 1984.
In all, 7,700 people were sterilized last year, 200 less than the year before. Since 1984 there has been a general decline in the sterilization of women, while more men are choosing the procedure. The highest sterilization rate for both men and women is in the age group 35-39, followed by those between 40 and 44. No women over 54 were sterilized, while 29 men underwent the procedure in 1997.

Sterilization is performed in accordance with the Act of June 3, 1977 relating to sterilization. People over 25 years of age are free to have themselves sterilized. Those under 25 may be sterilized under certain conditions such as hereditary diseases, danger to a woman's life or health, during pregnancy and birth, etc. In 1997 four men and nineteen women under 25 were sterilized.

New statistics
Sterilizations, 1997.
Statistics are published annually in the Weekly Bulletin of Statistics, in Official Statistics of Norway (NOS) Statistical Yearbook and Health Statistics for the Scandinavian countries. For more information, contact: vera.lower@ssb.no, tel. +47 21 09 49 26, or jens-kristian.borgan@ssb.no, tel. +47 21 09 45 37.

Weekly Bulletin issue no. 35, 1998