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Securities broking enterprises
1 Securities broking enterprises. Profit and loss account. Per 31. December. Million kroner1,2
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Operating income 3 727 5 158 8 437 13 802 14 901
Broker commissions equityinstruments 911 1 074 1 654 2 378 2 234
Net trade equityinstruments 148 90 95 118 44
Broker commissions debtinstruments 3 33 43 46 71
Net trade debtinstruments 137 185 285 851 899
Net income marketmaking 95 132 260 218 158
Trade with other financial instruments 3 5 8 123 87
Other broker commissions (gains) 3 3 16 7 8
Income from issues and advisory activity 837 1 311 2 554 4 600 4 726
Management of securities 860 1 289 1 703 2 058 2 380
Other income from investments 472 884 236 538 955
Capital management 110 9 37 14 47
Other operating income 149 142 1 546 2 850 3 292
Operating expenses 2 834 3 233 4 476 8 056 8 901
Personel costs 1 501 1 635 2 504 4 484 5 433
Deprecations etc. 129 80 96 262 154
Operating expenses premises 8 3 6 3 6
Other broker commissions (losses) 11 14 42 33 31
Loss on claims 9 9 18 22 124
Capital management 9 8 6 4 12
Other operating expenses 1 168 1 484 1 806 3 248 3 141
Operating profit 893 1 925 3 961 5 746 6 000
Investment income/charges -8 -259 -389 -458 -393
Income from participations and subsidiaries3 -1 -4 -31 -35 -39
Share dividend 2 1 3 0 4
Interest income4 296 103 143 523 784
Interest charges5 172 59 72 197 466
Net gains and value adjustments 4 -70 12 5 -2
Net other investment income/charges6 -137 -230 -444 -755 -674
Profit/loss on ordinary activities 884 1 666 3 572 5 287 5 607
Extraordinary income .. .. .. 0 ..
Extraordinary expenses 107 109 255 0 0
Tax 219 430 892 1 410 1 533
Profit/loss 558 1 128 2 425 3 877 4 074
Application and transfers 558 1 128 2 425 3 877 4 074
Dividends 248 527 714 1 563 2 322
Submitted/received group contributions 264 594 1 029 1 691 971
Transfered to/from revaluation reserve -2 14 -19 29 8
Transfered to/from other equity 48 -8 701 594 772

1Numbers as from 1999 are not comparable with earlier numbers due to a new law for accounting from 01.01.1999.
2Number of enterprises increased due to new rules for securities trading from 1.10.2007
3Before 1999 this item included debt to customers.
4Up to 1999, this item included dividends from other than participations.
5Before 1999 the item is equal to investments charges to participations.
6Before 1999 are interest charges to other than participations and net gains and value adjustments also included in this item.
