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External trade in commodities, yearly series
34. Imports of ICT-goods. 1) 2003-2008. NOK million.
  2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
TOTAL 28 124 34 000 34 807 39 942 39 945 39 219
Telecommunications equipment 6 139 7 826 7 254 8 301 9 353 9 284
Other ICT goods 2 837 3 324 3 549 4 756 5 027 5 439
Electronical components 2 665 3 409 3 350 4 140 4 189 3 905
Computer and related equipment 11 968 14 121 14 495 15 306 13 378 12 878
Audio and video equipment 4 515 5 319 6 159 7 438 7 998 7 712