Statistics Norway - home page

Financial corporations, balance sheet.
3 Mortgage companies, balance sheet. NOK million
2011:8 2011:7 2011:6 2011:5 2011:4 2011:3 2011:2 2011:1 2010:12 2010:11 2010:10 2010:9 2010:8
Notes and divisionary coin - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Loans to and claims on financial institutions 64 250 65 429 56 745 69 589 62 868 62 675 72 144 77 062 71 568 83 053 73 309 79 206 106 258
Loans to and claims on customers 1 167 025 1 157 733 1 148 116 1 137 535 1 108 009 1 103 688 1 086 298 1 069 778 1 063 375 1 045 731 1 025 246 1 005 745 996 954
Certificates and bonds 186 907 184 310 184 574 184 286 187 835 189 973 187 336 188 973 176 900 194 370 214 427 219 827 226 724
Shares, equity capital certificate e.g. 961 962 761 463 461 460 460 20 20 20 20 20 20
Financial derivatives 65 473 59 451 47 069 46 147 39 763 47 207 44 732 49 335 57 606 73 606 62 791 54 282 50 722
Intangible assets 377 329 339 256 235 222 223 178 160 140 138 167 139
Durable operating equipment 229 225 226 225 226 227 228 229 228 228 228 229 227
Other assets 12 294 10 575 10 824 10 635 15 336 12 060 13 415 12 232 8 407 9 376 14 026 13 982 14 614
Total assets 1 497 515 1 479 014 1 448 654 1 449 137 1 414 732 1 416 512 1 404 835 1 397 806 1 378 264 1 406 523 1 390 185 1 373 458 1 395 656
Liabilities and equity   
Deposits from financial institutions . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deposits from customers . . . . . - . - . . . . .
Certificate and bond debt 1 155 940 1 149 970 1 121 772 1 107 939 1 092 018 1 084 999 1 090 651 1 081 319 1 048 761 1 081 901 1 084 889 1 057 103 1 084 479
Other loans 207 616 206 533 205 147 218 239 193 314 205 033 191 830 197 863 212 164 200 124 187 453 202 099 214 467
Financial derivatives 43 253 39 277 42 750 41 371 50 831 46 062 42 294 36 065 36 716 34 724 36 549 38 085 22 377
Other liabilities 33 072 25 635 21 655 24 526 23 879 24 032 23 658 26 253 23 968 33 726 26 939 22 670 20 653
Subordinated loan capital 8 338 8 412 8 329 8 468 7 057 7 428 7 549 7 577 7 584 7 388 7 349 7 253 7 427
Total liabilities 1 448 219 1 429 827 1 399 655 1 400 542 1 367 100 1 367 554 1 355 981 1 349 076 1 329 193 1 357 863 1 343 180 1 327 210 1 349 403
Share and owner share capital 17 689 17 496 17 483 17 283 17 283 17 733 17 323 17 323 16 967 16 762 16 637 16 562 16 512
Other paid in equity 18 360 18 363 18 376 17 981 17 561 17 861 18 171 18 171 17 691 17 972 17 419 17 406 17 406
(share premium account etc.)   
Earned equity capital 11 448 11 448 11 524 11 526 11 551 12 069 12 347 12 381 9 059 9 111 9 119 9 119 9 429
Undistributed profit 1 799 1 880 1 617 1 804 1 237 1 295 1 013 855 5 353 4 816 3 830 3 161 2 906
Total equity 49 296 49 187 48 999 48 594 47 632 48 958 48 854 48 730 49 070 48 660 47 005 46 248 46 253
Total liabilities and equity 1 497 515 1 479 014 1 448 654 1 449 137 1 414 732 1 416 512 1 404 835 1 397 806 1 378 264 1 406 523 1 390 185 1 373 458 1 395 656