Statistics Norway - home page

Financial corporations, balance sheet.
20 Banks. Stock of bonds and certificates by sector. NOK million
2010:8 2010:7 2010:6 2010:5 2010:4 2010:3 2010:2 2010:1 2009:12 2009:11 2009:10 2009:9 2009:8
Total stock 719 076 684 443 684 259 719 005 728 436 724 941 674 965 674 969 682 334 679 996 653 894 652 250 614 438
Public administration 155 582 174 137 178 657 179 508 193 238 193 358 200 197 203 003 221 226 220 572 208 139 197 780 168 122
Central government administration 142 828 160 970 165 674 166 455 181 814 182 805 188 457 190 677 209 242 208 493 198 087 187 515 157 722
County municipalities 2 743 2 690 2 736 3 470 3 315 3 317 3 520 3 560 3 750 3 572 3 193 2 927 3 104
Municipalities 10 011 10 477 10 247 9 583 8 109 7 236 8 221 8 766 8 234 8 507 6 859 7 338 7 296
Financial corporations 328 581 326 473 328 704 325 233 324 646 330 305 260 911 262 731 262 435 264 233 260 969 257 953 248 479
The Central Bank of Norway . . . . . . . . . . . . .
State lending institutions . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Banks 47 018 46 180 48 693 50 493 51 958 51 367 48 271 49 921 49 837 48 949 47 047 47 798 49 923
Mortgage companies 278 715 277 452 277 053 271 599 269 654 275 736 209 542 209 530 209 208 211 871 210 431 207 005 195 136
Finance companies 113 113 208 439 455 728 787 1 040 1 047 1 060 1 153 1 144 1 279
Units trusts, mutual funds, financial holding
companies and other financial corporations excl.
financial auxillaries
2 417 2 435 2 448 2 290 2 175 2 202 2 043 1 975 2 076 2 060 2 040 1 693 1 817
Life insurance companies etc. 157 153 156 159 149 169 134 133 135 143 142 157 162
Non-life insurance companies . . . . . . . . . . 9 9 .
Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation 161 141 146 254 254 103 135 132 130 149 147 147 161
Non-financial corporations 24 343 25 642 25 109 25 142 25 877 26 184 29 057 29 868 28 259 30 063 29 525 30 630 27 157
Central government enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . .
State enterprises 9 146 9 389 8 821 8 275 8 456 9 094 10 914 10 848 10 930 12 202 12 280 13 413 9 546
Local government enterprises 474 455 299 312 421 392 421 427 327 305 288 293 203
Other municipal enterprises 7 393 7 721 7 884 8 334 8 715 8 477 9 057 9 333 7 587 8 107 7 413 7 074 6 857
Private incorporated enterprises (e.g. limited
7 330 8 077 8 105 8 221 8 285 8 221 8 665 9 260 9 415 9 449 9 544 9 850 10 551
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . .
serving enterprises   
Households etc. 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 21 31 26 26
Quasi-corporate private enterprises 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 11 31 26 26
Private non-profit institutions serving households 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 . . .
Unincorporated private enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Employees, pensioners, social security
recipients, students etc.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Unspecified sector . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rest of the world 209 676 156 978 151 254 188 425 184 023 174 375 184 031 178 627 169 738 164 289 153 872 165 580 169 910
Central and local government 23 846 27 173 23 207 31 466 22 797 24 466 24 217 46 102 37 097 30 245 24 032 37 715 40 452
Banks 99 712 44 780 41 808 42 853 44 580 45 476 46 145 46 920 45 068 45 683 45 234 44 280 44 481
Other financial corporations 72 999 72 454 73 681 101 164 103 884 91 677 101 471 73 827 75 878 77 533 73 983 72 689 73 989
Non-financial corporations and households 13 120 12 571 12 559 12 942 12 762 12 757 12 198 11 777 11 694 10 827 10 624 10 896 10 988
Changes in exchange rates, prices and value 880 1 185 423 684 639 686 733 658 615 769 1 348 282 733