Statistics Norway - home page

Financial corporations, balance sheet.
16 State lending institutions. Loans by industry. NOK million
2010:8 2010:7 2010:6 2010:5 2010:4 2010:3 2010:2 2010:1 2009:12 2009:11 2009:10 2009:9 2009:8
Total loans by industry 68 863 68 715 68 586 68 781 68 649 68 374 67 380 67 071 66 858 66 711 66 340 66 185 65 955
Agriculture 4 287 4 271 4 283 4 299 4 306 4 300 4 316 4 337 4 332 4 327 4 324 4 320 4 279
Forestry 79 78 78 78 78 78 81 81 81 79 78 76 72
Fishing and hunting 3 403 3 363 3 344 3 327 3 332 3 369 3 380 3 320 3 292 3 189 3 122 3 111 3 106
Fish farming services 399 395 375 309 300 300 330 332 415 383 381 380 364
Mining and quarrying 110 112 108 108 113 113 113 113 117 118 118 118 118
Services linked to extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas -10 -10 . . . . . . . . . . 2
Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Industry 2 970 2 987 2 960 2 909 2 907 2 828 2 805 2 804 2 708 2 666 2 612 2 613 2 595
Ship and boat building 278 279 280 283 286 293 295 296 297 247 251 258 259
Electricity and hot water supply 80 80 80 78 79 79 79 72 71 67 67 68 68
Water supply, drainage and waste disposal 47 49 51 53 54 54 54 54 55 56 56 57 57
Real estate development 15 15 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 8 8
Building and construction work 70 71 74 72 72 70 71 71 72 72 72 72 72
Commodity trade etc. 153 152 160 160 162 162 160 159 161 155 152 141 127
Sea transport abroad and transport via pipelines 52 52 52 49 49 49 49 49 48 48 48 49 42
Transportation and storage 179 174 225 229 230 231 231 198 199 131 129 125 125
Hotels and restaurants 177 179 181 183 184 184 183 183 178 179 178 182 183
Information and communication 114 112 129 126 122 118 109 109 107 109 105 101 94
Real estate, renting and business activities 1 272 1 257 1 246 1 261 1 262 1 267 1 270 1 268 1 261 1 245 1 202 1 163 1 154
Professional and financial services 638 639 644 547 537 594 582 546 535 526 492 485 468
Businesslike services 54 342 54 248 54 086 54 499 54 366 54 074 53 071 52 879 52 727 52 917 52 751 52 669 52 577
Other service activities 210 212 219 200 199 198 190 188 190 186 189 187 186