Statistics Norway - home page

Financial corporations, balance sheet.
3 Mortgage companies, balance sheet. NOK million
2010:6 2010:5 2010:4 2010:3 2010:2 2010:1 2009:12 2009:11 2009:10 2009:9 2009:8 2009:7 2009:6
Notes and divisionary coin - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Loans to and claims on financial institutions 91 151 103 597 100 007 103 472 105 156 105 981 96 809 108 301 104 778 104 348 98 026 94 618 97 124
Loans to and claims on customers 1 000 770 972 642 959 525 944 166 925 008 834 444 827 901 806 972 784 682 787 696 762 209 742 781 723 462
Certificates and bonds 192 109 180 863 162 920 165 826 143 661 146 243 149 203 162 629 164 361 160 273 165 901 164 998 172 793
Shares, equity capital certificate e.g. 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 5 5 5 206 205 5
Financial derivatives 48 462 51 549 33 536 39 347 36 476 37 617 40 159 38 606 35 740 37 384 34 100 34 803 46 104
Intangible assets 139 164 198 128 122 120 162 148 146 147 145 147 212
Durable operating equipment 227 228 230 227 226 228 229 230 234 232 225 226 228
Other assets 10 032 11 241 8 818 7 333 10 708 8 077 9 245 14 995 12 238 13 766 11 732 14 093 11 117
Total assets 1 342 909 1 320 303 1 265 254 1 260 522 1 221 379 1 132 731 1 123 731 1 131 887 1 102 183 1 103 849 1 072 544 1 051 872 1 051 046
Liabilities and equity   
Deposits from financial institutions . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deposits from customers . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Certificate and bond debt 1 013 706 999 323 960 790 950 361 917 183 855 842 827 610 836 958 823 306 810 357 789 738 774 290 758 721
Other loans 219 874 211 503 210 876 214 118 219 112 198 491 207 277 211 454 192 161 203 245 201 703 202 526 215 793
Financial derivatives 23 181 23 922 22 678 20 261 15 765 9 961 21 339 17 040 22 110 27 875 24 910 22 045 23 795
Other liabilities 33 080 33 829 19 786 24 611 19 494 19 401 18 022 17 086 15 194 14 552 14 703 14 443 14 609
Subordinated loan capital 7 404 7 300 7 071 7 168 8 045 7 696 7 636 8 013 7 927 7 963 8 032 8 073 7 314
Total liabilities 1 297 245 1 275 878 1 221 200 1 216 519 1 179 600 1 091 390 1 081 884 1 090 551 1 060 698 1 063 992 1 039 086 1 021 377 1 020 233
Share and owner share capital 16 369 16 034 15 869 15 139 14 709 14 709 14 659 14 323 14 273 13 784 12 184 11 829 11 829
Other paid in equity 17 500 17 415 17 415 17 745 16 739 16 739 16 688 16 676 16 676 16 380 11 460 8 985 8 985
(share premium account etc.)   
Earned equity capital 9 429 9 429 9 661 10 361 9 844 9 791 8 401 8 285 8 285 8 280 8 280 8 324 8 324
Undistributed profit 2 367 1 548 1 109 758 487 102 2 099 2 053 2 252 1 414 1 535 1 358 1 675
Total equity 45 664 44 425 44 053 44 002 41 779 41 341 41 847 41 336 41 485 39 857 33 459 30 495 30 812
Total liabilities and equity 1 342 909 1 320 303 1 265 254 1 260 522 1 221 379 1 132 731 1 123 731 1 131 887 1 102 183 1 103 849 1 072 544 1 051 872 1 051 046