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39 Exports of goods and services. At constant 2003-prices. Million kroner
  2004 2005 04:3 04:4 05:1 05:2 05:3 05:4 06:1 06:2
Total exports 640 937 645 523 153 379 162 261 158 371 163 763 157 644 165 746 167 583 162 728
Goods 480 927 481 474 113 177 122 649 119 574 123 050 114 734 124 117 123 535 117 113
Crude oil and natural gas 278 867 267 301 65 360 68 902 68 908 67 634 63 051 67 708 68 416 61 986
Ships, new 2 335 2 471 451 514 156 500 1 281 533 409 773
Ships, second-hand 3 558 2 836 758 263 594 678 1 375 189 397 327
Oil platforms and modules, new 481 887 31 5 1 760 60 66 169 174
Oil platforms, second-hand 177 2 973 44 60 35 2 889 22 27 352 349
Direct exports in relation to petroleum activiti 73 81 14 12 20 15 19 26 11 10
Aircraft and helicopters 1 960 311 364 414 8 139 59 106 16 346
Other goods 193 477 204 614 46 155 52 478 49 851 50 435 48 866 55 462 53 766 53 150
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 9 515 10 369 2 278 2 714 2 280 2 463 2 524 3 102 2 513 2 461
Mining and quarrying 3 514 2 942 1 139 1 045 533 670 1 021 718 572 582
Manufacturing products 179 330 186 678 42 369 48 494 45 789 46 372 44 313 50 204 49 568 49 667
Food products, beverages and tobacco 21 331 20 143 4 770 6 539 5 272 4 225 4 134 6 512 5 269 4 050
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather 2 182 2 284 537 580 531 583 552 618 614 585
Wood products 2 515 2 592 588 638 606 718 598 671 696 686
Pulp, paper and paper products 11 209 11 000 2 730 2 849 2 709 2 762 2 719 2 810 2 800 2 637
Printing and publishing 581 568 138 159 144 145 145 133 106 101
Refined petroleum products 12 969 12 619 2 905 3 677 2 644 2 939 3 308 3 728 3 826 4 230
Basic chemicals 17 653 17 426 4 370 4 522 4 501 4 434 4 343 4 149 4 499 4 739
Chemical and mineral products 13 549 14 675 3 327 3 469 3 495 3 789 3 458 3 932 3 863 3 881
Basic metals 41 775 43 233 9 860 11 013 11 384 11 161 10 402 10 287 10 892 11 067
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c 51 089 57 872 12 035 13 975 13 473 14 549 13 678 16 172 15 853 16 602
Furniture and other manufacturing products 4 477 4 265 1 109 1 073 1 030 1 067 977 1 192 1 150 1 090
Electricity 1 117 4 625 369 225 1 249 930 1 008 1 439 1 113 439
Other goods excluding refined petroleum products 180 508 191 995 43 250 48 802 47 208 47 495 45 558 51 734 49 940 48 920
Services 160 010 164 049 40 202 39 612 38 797 40 713 42 910 41 629 44 048 45 614
Gross receipts, shipping 64 397 60 386 15 510 15 347 15 638 15 811 14 598 14 340 15 760 16 185
Petroleum activities, various services 909 841 205 234 222 207 202 210 212 185
Oil drilling etc 8 864 12 551 2 661 2 324 2 013 2 763 3 185 4 590 3 268 4 791
Pipeline transport 9 521 10 142 1 828 2 680 2 730 2 428 2 234 2 750 2 865 2 411
Travel 20 451 21 257 6 235 4 359 4 295 5 855 6 361 4 745 4 139 6 087
Other services 55 868 58 871 13 764 14 669 13 898 13 649 16 330 14 994 17 805 15 955
Transport, post and telecommunication 12 225 12 812 3 221 3 179 2 659 3 169 3 705 3 279 2 961 2 367
Financial and business services 34 872 34 417 8 412 9 144 8 500 7 964 9 417 8 535 11 265 9 487
Services n.e.c 8 771 11 642 2 131 2 345 2 739 2 516 3 209 3 179 3 578 4 101