Statistics Norway - home page

38 Exports of goods and services. At current prices. Million kroner
  2004 2005 04:3 04:4 05:1 05:2 05:3 05:4 06:1 06:2
Total exports 732 444 862 225 183 366 195 074 198 074 208 347 219 636 236 167 252 537 244 313
Goods 555 148 668 599 138 297 148 780 152 300 161 508 168 727 186 063 201 648 191 518
Crude oil and natural gas 335 932 427 938 85 453 90 003 96 353 100 331 109 581 121 673 135 666 123 221
Ships, new 2 459 2 737 477 559 170 556 1 415 596 459 893
Ships, second-hand 4 322 4 041 870 222 985 945 1 856 255 562 376
Oil platforms and modules, new 500 965 33 5 1 826 66 72 188 196
Oil platforms, second-hand 177 2 973 44 60 35 2 889 22 27 14 11
Direct exports in relation to petroleum activiti 75 93 15 12 24 17 22 30 14 12
Aircraft and helicopters 1 875 298 364 414 8 133 56 101 17 326
Other goods 209 808 229 554 51 041 57 505 54 724 55 811 55 709 63 309 64 728 66 483
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 10 089 12 669 2 421 2 796 2 586 2 949 3 227 3 907 3 253 4 131
Mining and quarrying 4 365 3 940 1 584 1 362 684 857 1 457 942 765 773
Manufacturing products 194 423 209 251 46 716 53 182 50 544 51 264 50 222 57 220 59 365 61 058
Food products, beverages and tobacco 22 809 23 612 5 139 7 370 5 944 4 675 4 865 8 128 6 419 5 028
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather 2 217 2 239 545 604 525 567 534 613 607 558
Wood products 2 604 2 594 611 643 606 726 596 666 714 692
Pulp, paper and paper products 11 536 11 274 2 850 2 875 2 789 2 848 2 773 2 864 2 895 2 686
Printing and publishing 576 545 138 156 151 149 129 116 101 87
Refined petroleum products 15 650 21 017 3 957 4 538 3 435 4 539 6 486 6 557 7 143 8 807
Basic chemicals 19 259 19 850 4 820 5 071 5 203 5 032 4 851 4 764 5 482 5 742
Chemical and mineral products 14 413 15 486 3 580 3 559 3 627 4 036 3 585 4 238 4 051 3 988
Basic metals 48 839 50 533 11 765 13 146 13 518 13 251 11 872 11 892 14 496 15 947
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c 51 908 57 856 12 191 14 073 13 695 14 369 13 578 16 213 16 254 16 439
Furniture and other manufacturing products 4 612 4 245 1 120 1 147 1 051 1 072 953 1 169 1 203 1 084
Electricity 931 3 694 320 165 910 741 803 1 240 1 345 521
Other goods excluding refined petroleum products 194 158 208 537 47 084 52 967 51 289 51 272 49 223 56 752 57 585 57 676
Services 177 296 193 626 45 069 46 294 45 774 46 839 50 909 50 104 50 889 52 795
Gross receipts, shipping 78 972 81 889 19 542 21 025 21 287 19 971 20 408 20 223 19 769 19 372
Petroleum activities, various services 950 914 216 249 238 225 221 230 236 209
Oil drilling etc 8 905 15 128 2 762 2 289 2 428 3 442 3 735 5 523 4 292 6 327
Pipeline transport 10 525 11 844 2 218 2 987 2 994 2 730 2 866 3 254 3 141 3 052
Travel 20 809 22 168 6 346 4 464 4 418 6 113 6 650 4 987 4 388 6 537
Other services 57 135 61 683 13 985 15 280 14 409 14 358 17 029 15 887 19 063 17 298
Transport, post and telecommunication 12 212 13 056 3 093 3 307 2 699 3 266 3 644 3 447 3 106 2 474
Financial and business services 35 973 36 490 8 716 9 553 8 929 8 443 10 019 9 099 12 210 10 424
Services n.e.c 8 950 12 137 2 176 2 420 2 781 2 649 3 366 3 341 3 747 4 400