Statistics Norway - home page

32 Final consumption of households. Seasonally adjusted. At constant 2003-prices. Million kroner
  2004 2005 04:3 04:4 05:1 05:2 05:3 05:4 06:1 06:2
Final consumption expenditure of households 722 765 745 772 180 215 183 145 183 561 186 705 187 795 187 722 191 517 192 699
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 96 959 96 797 24 061 24 048 24 149 24 315 24 316 24 022 24 569 24 829
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco, etc 29 892 30 043 7 423 7 325 7 480 7 445 7 607 7 508 7 608 7 745
Clothing and footwear 43 670 48 375 10 893 11 228 11 713 12 478 12 154 12 033 12 639 12 609
Housing, water, electricity, fuels 149 473 154 362 37 584 37 750 38 080 38 534 39 125 38 890 39 749 39 957
Furnishings, household equipment 45 717 48 019 11 380 11 577 11 696 12 119 12 125 12 054 12 592 12 564
Health 20 978 21 290 5 244 5 265 5 293 5 342 5 328 5 331 5 322 5 374
Transport 103 217 102 650 25 382 27 093 25 188 25 842 25 665 25 942 25 589 25 743
Communication 22 037 23 293 5 682 5 536 5 820 5 765 5 836 5 869 5 887 5 885
Recreation and culture 95 000 98 583 23 771 23 983 24 176 24 506 24 850 24 858 25 274 25 823
Education 3 646 3 750 910 921 930 934 938 948 958 960
Restaurants and hotels 40 684 42 246 10 001 10 047 10 322 10 432 10 656 10 814 10 873 10 986
Miscellaneous goods and services 55 957 57 574 13 958 14 076 14 244 14 259 14 475 14 585 14 773 14 938
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 35 984 40 047 9 004 9 468 9 723 9 976 9 938 10 469 10 764 10 717
Direct purchases in Norway by non-resident househo -20 451 -21 257 -5 077 -5 172 -5 254 -5 242 -5 217 -5 602 -5 078 -5 430
Goods 1 394 044 404 607 97 740 99 854 99 543 101 894 102 181 101 142 103 515 104 098
Services 1 313 188 322 375 78 548 78 994 79 549 80 076 80 893 81 714 82 316 83 313
Dwellings 115 494 119 200 28 978 29 209 29 394 29 664 29 926 30 216 30 519 30 818
Other services 197 694 203 175 49 570 49 785 50 155 50 413 50 968 51 498 51 797 52 495