Statistics Norway - home page

22 Final consumption expenditure of households. At constant 2000-prices. Million kroner
  2001 2002 01:1 01:2 01:3 01:4 02:1 02:2 02:3 02:4
Final consumption expenditure of                    
households 615 225 636 070 144 476 149 809 156 373 164 567 148 173 154 993 161 618 171 286
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 91 726 94 906 21 558 22 518 22 827 24 823 22 594 23 273 23 539 25 500
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco, etc 28 630 28 832 5 945 7 345 6 971 8 370 6 211 7 122 7 011 8 487
Clothing and footwear 36 212 39 662 7 641 8 704 8 923 10 943 8 193 9 725 9 625 12 118
Housing, water, electricity, fuels 118 700 119 290 31 388 28 823 28 034 30 454 30 919 28 827 28 057 31 487
Furnishings, household equipment 38 977 40 156 8 916 8 568 9 720 11 773 9 273 9 114 9 973 11 796
Health 17 008 17 629 4 014 4 228 4 232 4 534 4 085 4 432 4 370 4 742
Transport 90 009 90 615 20 965 23 343 23 854 21 848 20 757 23 856 23 971 22 031
Communication 17 334 17 773 4 161 4 269 4 382 4 522 4 331 4 314 4 460 4 668
Recreation and culture 81 307 87 227 18 923 18 753 20 404 23 227 19 930 20 321 21 961 25 015
Education 3 027 3 122 753 754 759 761 783 782 779 778
Restaurants and hotels 38 216 39 378 8 124 9 444 11 134 9 515 8 593 9 658 11 369 9 758
Miscellaneous goods and services 45 264 46 335 10 923 11 246 11 183 11 912 11 121 11 552 11 388 12 274
Direct purchases abroad by resident                    
households 27 131 28 901 5 187 6 641 9 643 5 660 5 161 6 907 10 548 6 285
Direct purchases in Norway by non-res.                    
households -18 317 -17 755 -4 022 -4 828 -5 694 -3 774 -3 778 -4 889 -5 433 -3 655
Goods 1 342 546 354 686 79 407 82 144 84 396 96 599 81 279 85 637 87 000 100 771
Services 1 263 866 270 238 63 903 65 852 68 028 66 082 65 511 67 339 69 503 67 885
Dwellings 96 036 97 065 23 932 23 991 24 069 24 043 24 190 24 211 24 325 24 339
Other services 167 830 173 173 39 971 41 861 43 959 42 039 41 322 43 128 45 178 43 546