Statistics Norway
21 Final consumption expenditure. At current prices. Million kroner
  1999 2000 99:4 00:1 00:2 00:3 00:4 01:1 01:2
Final consumption expenditure 830 850 879 023 221 659 209 057 214 155 225 424 230 387 221 689 226 052
Consumption in households and NPISHs1 576 157 608 049 155 671 141 712 149 517 155 938 160 883 149 204 156 323
Final consumption expenditure of households 547 660 578 104 148 403 134 364 142 093 148 359 153 288 141 507 148 631
Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs1 28 497 29 945 7 268 7 348 7 424 7 578 7 595 7 697 7 691
Final consumption exp. of general government 254 693 270 974 65 988 67 345 64 638 69 486 69 504 72 485 69 730
Final consumption exp. of central government 99 842 105 882 25 718 26 277 25 582 26 788 27 234 28 063 27 301
Central government, individual 36 160 38 671 9 273 9 532 9 391 9 819 9 929 10 169 10 005
Central government, defence 26 279 26 888 6 754 6 650 6 550 6 785 6 902 7 007 6 827
Central government, collective individual 37 402 40 323 9 691 10 095 9 642 10 184 10 403 10 887 10 469
Final consumption exp. of local government 154 851 165 092 40 270 41 068 39 055 42 698 42 270 44 422 42 428
Central government, individual 134 604 143 707 35 084 35 678 33 920 37 305 36 803 38 656 36 865
Central government, individual 20 248 21 385 5 186 5 390 5 135 5 393 5 467 5 766 5 564
Actual indiviual consumption 746 921 790 427 200 028 186 922 192 828 203 062 207 615 198 028 203 192
Actual collective consumption 83 929 88 596 21 631 22 135 21 326 22 362 22 772 23 660 22 860