Statistics Norway
44 Total hours worked. Employees and self-employed. Aggregated activity. Millions
  1998 1999 99:1 99:2 99:3 99:4 0:1
Total hours worked 3 171.6 3 180.6 810.8 794.8 737.3 837.6 843.6
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 193.6 188.1 46.5 47.3 44.7 49.6 47.9
Oil and gas extraction incl. services 37.6 36.6 9.6 8.9 8.5 9.5 9.5
Manufacturing, mining and quarrying 494.2 479.2 124.5 121.5 110.4 122.7 123.4
Electricity and gas supply 27.0 26.1 6.6 6.6 6.0 6.8 6.8
Construction 200.4 199.3 50.4 49.7 46.7 52.4 52.1
Service industries excl. general government 1 382.3 1 401.0 355.4 348.1 328.6 368.8 372.7
General government 836.5 850.3 217.7 212.6 192.3 227.6 231.3
Mainland Norway 3 053.3 3 060.8 780.4 765.2 708.5 806.7 813.1