Statistics Norway

Immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents

11 Immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents, by five groups of country background1. Urban districts of Oslo. 1 January 2011. Absolute numbers and per cent
Urban district All population in parts of town, per cent Background in Northern Countries population in parts of town, per cent Background in Western Europe population in parts of town, per cent Background in Eastern- Europe population in parts of town, per cent Background in Asia, Africa, South-and Central America, Turkey population in parts of town, per cent Background in North America2,Oceania population in parts of town, per cent Population,total
Whole Oslo  170 206 28.4 17 617 2.9 11 540 1.9 28 424 4.7  109 959 18.4 2 666 0.4  599 230
01 Gamle Oslo 15 803 36.1 1 603 3.7  796 1.8 2 326 5.3 10 881 24.9  197 0.5 43 770
02 Grünerløkka 14 934 31.6 2 296 4.9 1 010 2.1 2 977 6.3 8 404 17.8  247 0.5 47 256
03 Sagene 8 455 24.1 1 093 3.1  638 1.8 1 542 4.4 5 041 14.4  141 0.4 35 115
04 St. Hanshaugen 7 870 23.7 1 887 5.7  900 2.7 1 424 4.3 3 416 10.3  243 0.7 33 137
05 Frogner 11 637 22.8 3 181 6.2 2 081 4.1 2 153 4.2 3 677 7.2  545 1.1 51 120
06 Ullern 4 719 15.3  819 2.7  795 2.6 1 119 3.6 1 799 5.9  187 0.6 30 744
07 Vestre Aker 6 361 14.4 1 133 2.6 1 032 2.3 1 466 3.3 2 481 5.6  249 0.6 44 320
08 Nordre Aker 7 679 16.2 1 072 2.3 1 089 2.3 1 726 3.6 3 531 7.4  261 0.6 47 433
09 Bjerke 10 847 38.4  516 1.8  329 1.2 1 704 6.0 8 252 29.2 46 0.2 28 226
10 Grorud 11 123 42.3  342 1.3  241 0.9 1 532 5.8 8 964 34.1 44 0.2 26 291
11 Stovner 13 964 46.3  356 1.2  269 0.9 1 243 4.1 12 070 40.0 26 0.1 30 178
12 Alna 21 498 45.7  578 1.2  493 1.0 3 165 6.7 17 188 36.6 74 0.2 47 025
13 Østensjø 9 678 20.9  791 1.7  479 1.0 1 934 4.2 6 362 13.8  112 0.2 46 244
14 Nordstrand 6 471 13.8 1 005 2.1  673 1.4 1 566 3.3 3 078 6.6  149 0.3 46 888
15 Søndre Nordstrand 17 085 47.7  532 1.5  475 1.3 2 226 6.2 13 756 38.4 96 0.3 35 843
16 Sentrum  486 54.4  168 18.8 47 5.3  105 11.8  156 17.5 10 1.1  893
17 Marka  128 7.9 47 2.9 29 1.8 24 1.5 21 1.3 7 0.4 1 627
Unknown, without permanent adress 1 468 47.1  198 6.3  164 5.3  192 6.2  882 28.3 32 1.0 3 120
1  Own, mother's or father's country of birth.
2  USA and Canada.

Explanation of symbols